IMFは夏季に無料のオンライン講座としてIMF SUMMER SCHOOLを開催しております。講座スケジュール当日に参加できず受講を逃してしまった方、今年IMF SUMMER SCHOOLの対象となった4つの講座を下記でご確認ください。今からでもセルフ受講が可能です。
2024年IMF SUMMER SCHOOL4つの講座の紹介

- Recognize the role, scope, uses, and compilation frameworks for QNA and HFIEAs.
- Review available data sources for compiling QNA and HFIEAs.
- Explain the use of volume measures and the basic relation between value, quantity, and price—expanding on how to detect and address issues such as the need for updated weights; and recognizing the loss of additivity for chain-linked volume estimates.
- Apply basic techniques for compiling benchmarked series and filling data gaps.
- Apply basic seasonal adjustment techniques to time series, based on good seasonal adjustment practices.
- Describe a balanced revisions policy taking into consideration how a related real-time database can be used to assess the reliability of the QNA and HFIEA estimates.

- Define the key concepts of the FSIs and their application in surveillance and macroprudential analysis.
- Define the conceptual framework including application of the regulatory capital, leverage and liquidity concepts used in FSI compilation.
- Describe the data preparation process for FSI compilation, and apply the recommended aggregation and consolidation methodologies.
- Specify each of the Core and Additional FSIs for deposit-takers and explain the application of each in macroprudential analysis.
- Identify the source data and specify the FSIs for non-deposit takers, and explain their application in macroprudential analysis.

This module will introduce you to and unravel the mysteries of performance management and performance measurement. While the terms performance management and performance measurement are often used interchangeably, you will see how they differ and how one supports the other. You will develop an appreciation of why you need to create measurable goals and objectives, and learn about both the benefits and the limitations of performance measurement. Last, but maybe most importantly, you will gain insight into organizational culture, and how it can either support or derail performance management.

- Explain the rationale for mitigation as a policy approach.
- Identify the appropriate components of mitigation policy instruments.
- Compare the advantages and disadvantages of carbon pricing as a key mitigation instrument for countries.
- Identify how to analyze and quantify the macroeconomic impacts of mitigation policies.
- Determine key considerations for policymakers when strategizing to scale up carbon pricing at the domestic and international level.
edX(無料オンライン教育サービス)での受講にあたる手順や、YouTubeで発信している「IMF INSTITUTE LEARNING CHANNEL」についてはこちらをご覧ください。