Japan-IMF奨学金プログラムについてのINFO SESSION
Have questions about the scholarship? Join us in October to learn useful tips and get your questions answered! The session will be in English, but you can ask questions in Japanese, too.
Japan-IMF奨学金について質問はございませんか?当奨学金を希望してて詳しく知りたい方は10月に行われるINFO SESSIONに是非ご参加ください。質問のある方は下記のフォームに記入して送信していただければ、当日のセッションで回答を用意しておきます。セッション中の質疑応答もできる限り受付けます!
WEBINAR: Tips for Completing your JISP Online Application
October 5th @ 6:00AM (EDT) | 11:00AM (BST) | 7:00PM (JST)
This event is now over.
- 日本国民で海外の大学のマクロ経済学等博士課程に在学中、若しくは同課程に出願中の者
- 今年度のオンライン申請の最中、またはこれから開始する者
- 来年度に応募する予定の者
- 奨学金情報を学生に提供している教職員
Who this session is FOR
- You're a Japanese citizen and are pursuing an advanced degree in macroeconomics, finance, public finance, monetary economics, international economics, international trade, poverty issues, political economy, or econometrics at a top university outside of Japan.
- You have already started (or will soon start) the online application for the scholarship.
- You've already started the online application or will soon.
- You plan to apply for the scholarship next year.
- You are a faculty member or adviser looking for general information about the scholarship to share with your students.