経済学の勉強法としてIMFが無料で提供しているオンライン教育を紹介します。一つはedX(無料オンライン教育サービス)のサイト内にあるIMFx講座です。現在90以上の講座を用意しており、世界中から約20万人以上の方が受講しています。Wifi環境であればいつでもどこでも受講することができます。もう一つは、YoutubeにあるIMF Institute Learning Channelです。主に受講法ではなく視聴して学ぶ方法で動画を多様に用意しています。
edXとは、無料のオンライン教育サービス(MOOC: Massive Open Online Course)の1つであり、たくさんの主要な企業や大学が、大学レベルの多数の分野の授業を無償で提供しています。学生はもちろん、教育を必要としているどなたでも受講可能です。インターネット環境内でしたら場所を選ばないので、自宅でも受講できます。
- Audit Track:聴講法の無料コース
- Verified Track:インストラクターサポートや修了証などを含む有料コース
IMFxはedXの「Economics and Finance」コース内で見つけることができます。

- 「Courses」をクリックするとコースの全カテゴリーが表示されます。
- 「Economics and Finance」をクリックすると関連する講座が表示されます。

- 上記の検索部分にIMF,もしくはIMFxを入力し「Search」をクリックすると全IMFx講座が表示されます。
受講したいIMFx講座を開くと下記のように講座の情報が表示されます。(例としてFinancial Market Analysisを表示)

- 右上にある画像に再生マークがある場合はクリックすると簡単な講座内容が視聴できます。
- 講座期間(この講座の場合)の目安は週8~10時間の受講で7週間になります。
- 受講法の「Self-paced」とは、自分のペースで受講が可能となります。他に、インストラクターの指示で進む「Instructor-paced」の講座もあります。
- 無料講座から有料オプション(インストラクターサポートや修了証などを含む)に変更ができます。
- 申込みは左下の「Enroll」をクリックしてアカウントを作成し、受講へ進みます。

- MCCx 1: Science, Economics and Policies
- MCCx 2: Mitigation Strategies
- MCCx 3: Transitioning to Net-Zero
- MCCx 4: Economics of Adaptation
- MCCx 5: Climate Risks for the Financial Sector
- MCCx 6: Green Public Finance

- Analyze fundamental principles and trends in tax revenue analysis.
- Explain the key features of an effective institutional framework for revenue forecasting
- Identify data requirements and recognize potential data issues.
- Produce revenue forecasts using different methods.
- Recognize the strengths and limitations of different forecasting methods.
- Quantify the revenue impact of tax policy changes, using input-output tables and micro-simulation models.

- Identify key uses of CPI data and explain key consumer price index concepts and definitions and how these are applied in practice.
- Identify and explain differences between the different index calculation formulas.
- Define and explain the different levels of sampling in a CPI and how these sampling methods are applied in practice.
- Identify and explain the different methods for the treatment of missing prices and describe how these are applied in practice.
- Introduce new CPI weights and link old and new indexes to create a continuous time series of data.

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the cyber threat landscape Identify key drivers of cyber risk Explain approaches to cyber risk management Assess risk management practices Understand the concepts in framing cyber risk regulations Learn elements of cyber risk supervision Identify key situations that require expert supervision.

- How to analyze potential output and calculate output gaps, identify expenditure composition of growth, measure inflation, and assess sources of inflation
- How to assess the stance of monetary and fiscal policy and interpret financial sector soundness and risk indicators
- How to analyze public and external debt sustainability, analyze the external position, and evaluate possible exchange rate misalignment
- How to assess the medium–term prospects of the economy including the sustainability of public and external debt, and identify impediments to long–term growth

「Macroeconometric Forecasting」
- Evaluation of macroeconometric models
- Forecasting of uncertainty and forecasting for policy analysis
- Properties of time series data and model design
- Dynamic specification and the use of vector auto-regression models (VARs) and error correction models (VECMs)

- Identify different types of basic fixed–income securities and the markets in which they are traded.
- How to price a variety of financial assets: money market instruments, bonds, and equities.
- How to measure and compare different yield measures for financial assets.
- Relate differences in the valuation of single equities or markets with economic fundamentals.
- How to construct an optimal portfolio of risky assets using historical return data, and assess likely changes in its composition as a result of changes in macroeconomic conditions.
- How to assess the market risk of an investment by calculating its Value at Risk (VaR), Stressed VaR, and Expected Shortfall.

「Compilation Basics for Macroeconomic Statistics」
- Differentiate institutional units and sectors
- Apply the concept of residence; Record in an integrated manner stocks and flows
- Apply appropriate accounting rules; Classify financial instruments
- Summarize the requirements and recommendations of the IMF’s Data Standards Initiatives
- and Evaluate macroeconomic inter-linkages.

「Financial Programming and Policies, Part 1: Macroeconomic Accounts and Analysis」
- How to identify the four main sectors of an economy and understand the key linkages among them
- How to read, interpret, and analyze macroeconomic data
- How to identify macroeconomic imbalances
- How to retrieve data for your own country and analyze it

「Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics」
- Explain the framework of the balance of payments and IIP and relevant indicators, such as the current, capital, and financial accounts balances.
- Apply core concepts and definitions relevant to the international accounts such as residence, economic territory, predominant center of economic interest, and accounting rules.
- Classify cross-border transactions and positions according to the BPM6.
- Record the main components of balance of payments and IIP.
- Explain the direct investment framework and its role in the economy, including as a source of financing.
- Compare the different functional categories and understand the economic interpretation for each category.
- Recognize the need for integration of the balance of payments with the IIP for producing consistent and coherent data.

「Inclusive Growth」
- Define the concept of inclusive growth and its many dimensions, and establish the links between growth, inequality, and poverty.
- Develop a framework to holistically analyze inclusive growth issues and prioritize policy actions.
- Measure inclusive growth in a country using a wide range of indicators, including indicators of poverty and inequality.
- Explain the role of fiscal policy in supporting inclusive growth and highlight best practices for designing tax policies and expenditure programs to foster inclusion.
- Describe what makes a labor market inclusive and examine determinants of labor market outcomes.
- Design labor market policies, including tackling informality and labor market disruptions from technological change.
- Analyze gender inequality and its negative economic implications.
- Identify why good governance is important for inclusive growth and summarize the policies to improve it.
- Identify the key risks to sustainable and inclusive growth related to climate change and design a policy mix to address climate change mitigation and adaptation while cultivating inclusion.
IMF Institute Learning Channelとは?
様々な分野でYoutubeが活用されているのは皆さんもご存知かと思います。IMFも経済学の勉強に役に立つ動画を揃え、IMF Institute Learning ChannelとしてYoutubeに掲載しています。チャンネル登録をすると新しくアップロードされた動画のお知らせも通知されます。

IMF Summer School(2022年度)
- Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration (VITARA)
- Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDSx)
- Macroeconomics of Climate Change (MCCx)
- Consumer Price Index (CPIx)
IMF Summer School (2021年度)
- Inclusive Growth (IGx) さらに学びたい方はこちらへ
- Public Financial Management (PFMx)
- Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting (MPAFx)
- Financial Inclusion and Financial Development (FDFIx)
- Debt Sustainability Framework for Low Income Countries (LIC DSFx)